We are a non-profit community interest mental health cat café, we are aiming to combat the stigma surrounding mental health issues in our area. We want to build a positive support network within our community.
We are hoping to raise awareness of cat welfare issues in Scotland
aswell as supporting the local community with their mental health. This will be in the form
of animal therapy. Just being in the presence of kitty cats can boost your natural dopamine levels
and improve your mood and energy levels
We have lots of exciting plans to offer classes and educational sesssions for adults and children so watch this space
So please come along and support a community initiative.At the Kit-Tea Café we dont support the breeding of pedigree cats in our Café you’ll only ever find cats that have been rescued, rehomed or abandoned. We strongly believe that every cat deserves to be warm, cozy and go to sleep with a full tummy knowing they are loved and free from harm.
The Kit-Tea Café
7-9 Cockburn Street
Tel: 07549009308
Opening Hours
Monday – 3pm – 530pm
Tues 10.30am – 1pm, 3pm – 5.30pm
Wednesday – 10.30am – 1pm, 3pm – 5.30pm
Thursday 10.30am – 1pm
Friday 10.30am – 1pm, 3pm – 5.30pm
Saturday 10.30am – 1pm, 3pm – 5.30pm
Sunday 10.30am – 1pm, 3pm – 5.30pm